Thursday, June 27, 2024

Canada - Day 15 - Nelson to New Denver

 52.5 miles, 4068’ climbing, 1 grouse and a lot of mud

The climb up Six Mile road went through some deep and beautiful forest. Moss hung from the trees. There were puddles of indeterminate depth, rivulets of water, thimble berry plants and ferns where the forest opened up. The road was also bumpy and rocky near the top, making it hard to take in the view while pedaling. 

Near the top of the pass at Six Mile Lakes, we met Charlie from Duluth coming the other way on our same route. He looked every bit as soggy as we were. We were all travelling a bit slowly due to the rain. We told him that the road would smooth out for him in about a mile. He said our route was going to be  bumpy for a long time. We all laughed hard, but it was too cold to linger. 

It was bumpy for several miles, but gorgeous, until we turned down Lemon Creek Road, a small sandy road that was a fun descent down to the Slocan River (so big it looks like a lake to us). The clouds lifted, and it got sunny as we got on the Slocan Rail Trail. We stopped at a picnic table, took off our wet shoes, socks, jackets, overmits, and rain pants, laying them on the warm table to dry while we had a late lunch. A local mountain biker came by and we chatted, but weather was headed back our way, so we put all our gear back on and headed up the rail trail. The Slocan Rail Trail was pleasant and easy with tons of wildflowers.

In Slocan we turned onto a path by the river that was the old highway, now covered with moss and greenery. We had an awkward time getting our bikes past a collapsed tunnel, then enjoyed a couple of beautiful miles up to the highway. We were tired when we rolled into New Denver and got a campsite. There are a bunch of kids, all running around and having fun. a couple came by and asked how we slept in such a small tent (heads on this end, feet this way). A mom told us it’s the last day of school for the local grades 1&2, and everyone camps out to celebrate. It’s definitely kid paradise here. 


  1. Looks like it was a hard but good day. Beautiful scenery again. Being wet and cold does not sound fun. But I would do it if I could. Xo
